Yearly Archives: 2021


Legal protections from workplace disability discrimination

Disability discrimination occurs when an employer treats a disabled individual who is either an employee or an applicant for employment unfavorably because of the employee or applicant’s disability. Because of the important employment law protections for disabled individuals, they should be familiar how the law defines disability…

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Can my employer keep some or all of my tips?

Many service industry workers in the San Diego area rely on tips to supplement their wages. It is important that they understand the basics of tipping laws in California. This way they will know if their employer is unlawfully withholding tips or is failing to pay…

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California dog bite law basics

California follows strict liability dog bite laws which holds pet owners liable for the actions of their pet regardless of the precautions they took or if they knew of the pet’s propensity to bite and attack or not. This is important for victims of dog…

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Filing a negligence claim after a car accident

In California, drivers who cause car accident are liable for accident-related injuries and damages. Injured motorists, passengers and pedestrians may recover both economic and non-economic damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance company by filing a personal injury claim. These damages may include: Medical expenses Lost wages Loss…

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Was your termination illegal?

Wrongful termination refers to a firing that is illegal. However, while every termination can be distressing, not every case is unlawful. To know whether an employer violated your rights by firing you, you can start by answering the following questions. What was the reason behind…

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What should a person do if they have been bitten by a dog?

There are many people in the San Diego area who own a dog. In fact, it is estimated that over 50% of Americans own a dog. Most of the time these dogs are friendly, family pets that would only hurt a squirrel. But occasionally a…

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Benefits under the Death on the High Seas Act

Many people in the San Diego area work in the maritime industry. They would know that working on the high seas comes with its own share of risks that are unique to the industry. Like in other high-risk professions, maritime workers often have to deal…

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U.S. government does ‘about face’ on transgenders in military

With President Biden’s recent executive order allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military again, U.S. employers cannot help but take note. The issue — or non-issue — regarding transgenderism continues to gain a great amount of attention. More and more people in U.S.…

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Reasonable accommodations in the workplace

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is an important employee rights law. It provides protections for workers to be free from discrimination in the workplace based on their actual, past, and perceived disabilities. Under the ADA, a Californian cannot be discriminated against in the workplace…

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What are punitive damages?

Many people are familiar with concept of damages: a person that’s been wrongfully injured can sue the responsible party in court to receive compensation for the hardship they suffered. In the terse language of the court, damages are intended to make the plaintiff whole again;…

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