Employers in San Diego need to ensure that they are following the various federal and state labor laws. There are many different laws regarding wage and hour laws, harassment, safety laws and discrimination. Employers are not allowed to discriminate against employees based on the fact that…
Those who work in the service industry often rely on tips to supplement their wages. These workers will often go above and beyond, because they want to treat their customers nicely and because they may get a good tip out of it. But if their…
Many people in San Diego want to have children and start families. For many women that means that they will become pregnant. Being pregnant can be a very joyous time, but as the baby grows in the womb, life becomes much more uncomfortable for the…
Being a working mom is hard, especially when you recently gave birth to a child. Not only do you have to achieve your performance goals, but you also need to feed and take care of your baby. In California, you have the right to paid…
Wrongful termination refers to a firing that is illegal. However, while every termination can be distressing, not every case is unlawful. To know whether an employer violated your rights by firing you, you can start by answering the following questions. What was the reason behind…
You work hard to provide for your family and advance your career. However, in a hostile work environment, every day takes its toll on your emotional state. You may be cut off from advancement opportunities or endure jokes that make it clear that you do…
Many companies, in an effort to be inclusive and diverse, send out “voluntary requests” for their employees to answer very intimate and personal questions about their race, gender, marital status and sexual orientation. The company assures employees that the information is only used in aggregate…
These days, it feels like almost everyone pays for their meal with a credit card. That has not eliminated tipping, but it means that the tip gets tacked onto the bill and run through the card. Yes, people do still leave cash on the table…
It doesn’t matter what type of relationship you have with your employer, there could come a point when you’re terminated. While this typically happens for reasons that are 100% legal, such as downsizing or going out of business, that’s not always the case. If you…
Employers have gotten negative attention in recent years for what some call a crime that’s never discussed. It’s often referred to as wage theft, and employees have lost a combined $8 billion in yearly income from employers cheating their employees out of pay for hours worked. Wage…
Governor Gavin Newsom signed dozens of bills at the close of the 2019 legislative session. This includes 15 that impact the rights of employees. Below is a brief overview of the key changes that are noteworthy for California workers beginning in 2020. AB 9 —…
Receiving a serious medical diagnosis that requires surgery can be stressful. There are countless things to worry about, but you shouldn’t have to worry about losing your job while you are unable to work. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) lets you take unpaid leave…