There are many types of discrimination that employees in California might face in the workplace. Some types are more subtle than others. Age discrimination, for example, may not be that obvious when it occurs. Are you facing age discrimination in the workplace? Here are a few examples of how you might be.
First, if your employer is promoting other, younger workers simply because they are concerned about the age – and worker longevity – of older workers, that may be an example of age discrimination in the workplace.
The same goes for training. If older workers are shunned for certain types of training in favor of younger workers, that could be discrimination. Or, on the other end of the spectrum, if your employer is laying off older workers before younger workers, simply because those younger workers earn less in salary or hourly rate, that may also be an example of age discrimination in the workplace.
Conduct toward older employees that could be viewed as harassment because of the workers’ ages could also be considered discrimination. Frequent or severe comments or remarks by an employer toward an older employee that target the employee’s age could rise to the level of harassment.
If you are facing age discrimination in the workplace, you may have legal options to consider. Employers in California that engage in any type of discrimination in the workplace need to be held accountable for their illegal conduct, and workers who have suffered from illegal discrimination in the workplace deserve compensation.