Category Archives: Wage & Hour Laws

Wage & Hour Laws

Common Wage and Hour Violations in California [2024 Updated]

As a California employee, you have rights. If you’ve found yourself the victim of wage and hour law violations, you are well within your rights to file a claim with the California Labor Commissioner’s office. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what constitutes a violation and can…

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2024 How to File a Wage and Hour Claim in California

If you are employed in the state of California and have not received the wages you are due, you have the right to file a claim. Responsible for enforcing these laws, the California Labor Commissioner’s Office takes issues like meal and rest breaks, overtime pay,…

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California Overtime Laws 2024 – What Every Worker Should Know

In California, a full work shift is considered eight hours, and any labor conducted beyond that time should be considered overtime. Similarly, a full work week is 40 hours, and any work performed past that point is also considered overtime. Ideally, employers would always honor…

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California Wage and Hour Laws 2024 – Statute of Limitations

Staying updated on the latest statutes of employment law is essential for both employers and employees in California. Every year presents a new chance for these laws to be updated to better reflect the realities of the ever-changing employment landscape. 2024 is no different. By…

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2024 How Is Overtime Calculated in California?

Overtime pay can be crucial for many employees and their livelihoods. Unfortunately, many employees do not understand their rights under federal and California employment law, leaving them without overtime pay that is rightfully theirs. To learn more about your eligibility for overtime pay and your…

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California Final Paycheck Law 2024 – Employees Know Your Rights

The state of California has always been among the strictest in US labor law, and it has strict regulations regarding an employee’s final paycheck before moving on from an organization. As of 2023, there are specific laws in place that dictate what the process of…

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California Paid Sick Leave Law 2024 – All You Need to Know

Thanks to state law, the majority of Californian workers, both full- and part-time, will earn paid sick leave (often shortened to PSL in employment law and human resources circles). This is a special type of paid leave that employees can use to either care for…

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California On-Call and Standby Time Policy 2024 – All You Need To Know

Many California employees have straightforward shifts between 8 and 10 hours. However, some employees have more complex hours, including employees who are on-call or on standby for their job. These employees are not actively completing their job duties, but they must be available in case…

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Can an Employer Deny Unpaid Time Off in California? 2024

Work is an important part of your life because it allows you to support yourself and your loved ones. There are times, however, when you may need to be away from work. In these circumstances, it is important to understand your employer’s time-off policies. Some…

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The importance of paycheck laws

One of the most important rights that labor laws guarantee to employees is that they will receive their wages in a regular and timely manner. Called payday laws, every state except South Carolina and Alabama has requirements for how frequently an employee must be paid. Most…

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California law and employee misclassification

Of the several landmark changes to California employment law that took place in 2019, perhaps the most significant one addressed how a business can classify its workers. Businesses across the country have increasingly labelled their workers as independent contractors instead of employees, and in California…

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When does an employer have to pay their employees?

An employee devotes their time and labor for the benefit of their employer. In return, the employee rightfully expects to be paid for their efforts, on time and in the correct amounts. It can be helpful to know when an employer is required to make…

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