Category Archives: Workplace Discrimination

Workplace Discrimination

Types of Discrimination in the Workplace in California

In California, workplace discrimination is a severe problem that impacts workers in a variety of industries. Many employees continue to experience discrimination based on criteria unrelated to their performance on the job, even in spite of legislation intended to shield them from unjust treatment. To…

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California Pregnancy Discrimination Laws – What are My Rights?

Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience. It can be frightening at times, but it can also be beautifully rewarding. The last thing you should have to worry about is being discriminated against at work because of your pregnancy. Thankfully, California labor laws heavily favor the…

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How to File an EEOC Complaint in California?

If you believe that you have experienced workplace discrimination, you can choose to file a charge with the federal committee EEOC (the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) before you take legal action against your employer. Keep reading to learn more about how to file an…

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Examples of Workplace Discrimination in California

In the state of California, employees are protected by law against discrimination in a professional capacity within the workplace. Workers are additionally protected from retaliatory action for speaking out against discrimination in their place of employment. Read on to learn more about discrimination and examples…

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Can I Get Fired for Missing Work Due to Pregnancy in California?

It can be stressful to navigate the new challenges that come with being pregnant, let alone being worried about its implications for your professional life. There is a ton of uncertainty and worry that usually goes along with pregnancy. One of these major concerns for…

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What to Do About Favoritism at Work Towards Others in California?

Favoritism at work is an age-old workplace plague that has given organizations issues for many years. It occurs when one person in power gives preferential treatment to some employees over others without any logical reasoning. An example of logical reasoning would be to award a…

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Google settles class action claim based on gender discrimination

Despite all of the attention that has been given to workplace discrimination over the last several decades, the problem persists. In fact, a 2017 class action lawsuit against Google just resulted in the tech giant agreeing to pay $118 million to settle allegations of gender discrimination. The…

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What are my rights as a pregnant employee?

Expecting San Diego mothers should be able to enjoy their pregnancy and the time leading up to the birth of their child without having to worry about their job. Discriminating against an employee because they are pregnant is illegal, and there are several legal rights pregnant employees…

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What do you need to know about age discrimination?

Most of the time when we hear about discrimination occurring in the workplace, we probably think of race or gender discrimination. To be sure, news stories about these two types of discrimination seem to pop up in California quite frequently. But, it is important to…

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Are mothers allowed to pump during the workday?

Being a working mom is hard, especially when you recently gave birth to a child. Not only do you have to achieve your performance goals, but you also need to feed and take care of your baby. In California, you have the right to paid…

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Bipartisan bill proposed to protect pregnant employees

When a woman gets the news that she is pregnant, she is likely so thrilled that she is not thinking about anything else. However, once reality sinks in, some women will pause and think how this will impact her current job and future career options.…

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Some ways to gather evidence of workplace discrimination

If you suspect that you’re being discriminated against in the workplace, then you might foresee legal action on the horizon. This is especially true if you end up suffering from a negative employment action, such as demotion, a pay cut, a worse work assignment, or…

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