

San Diego Employee Rights 2024 – All You Need to Know

Every year, Californians are met with a litany of new labor laws, and 2024 carries on that tradition. It is crucial, as an employee, to know and understand your San Diego employee rights so that your employer cannot treat you badly without facing the consequences.…

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California Workplace Sexual Harassment Laws [2024 Updated]

The experience of suffering sexual harassment in the workplace can be emotionally and mentally taxing. It can also lead to unfair damage to your career. You may be in fear of facing whoever is harassing you, which in turn can understandably affect your ability to…

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Common Wage and Hour Violations in California [2024 Updated]

As a California employee, you have rights. If you’ve found yourself the victim of wage and hour law violations, you are well within your rights to file a claim with the California Labor Commissioner’s office. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what constitutes a violation and can…

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2024 How to File a Wage and Hour Claim in California

If you are employed in the state of California and have not received the wages you are due, you have the right to file a claim. Responsible for enforcing these laws, the California Labor Commissioner’s Office takes issues like meal and rest breaks, overtime pay,…

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2024 How Often Are Wrongful Termination Cases Won in California?

Wrongful termination can be a challenging offense to prove. Demonstrating the motive involved in someone’s employment being terminated can be difficult, especially without a clear statement from the employer. However, there are many situations where these cases are won, and the court can see that…

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2024 How Long Do You Have to Sue for Wrongful Termination in California?

Wrongful termination is a complicated issue. However, it’s often one that you need to act relatively quickly on. Because wrongful termination can come in many different forms, there are different deadlines for when you will need to decide whether to file a claim. This means…

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2024 How to Sue for Wrongful Termination in California

Wrongful termination is an aspect of employment law, which means that it’s not typically handled by the normal civil court process. Instead, there are separate institutions set up for addressing labor and employment issues. However, this is often a complicated and challenging process, and many…

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What Is Considered Wrongful Termination in California?

Wrongful termination can be a particularly complicated issue. California is an “at-will” state, which means that employers are free to terminate employment at any time for any reason. However, the reason must not be in violation of California law. It can be difficult to know…

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California Workplace Sexual Harassment Statistics [2024 Updated]

Though always unpleasant, sexual harassment is especially stressful at work since your job performance and security are at stake. If you’ve been victimized by workplace sexual harassment, be sure to speak with a sexual harassment attorney. Understanding California workplace sexual harassment statistics can help you…

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2024 How to File an EEOC Complaint in California?

If you believe that you have experienced workplace discrimination, you can choose to file a charge with the federal committee EEOC (the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) before you take legal action against your employer. Keep reading to learn more about how to file an…

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Examples of Workplace Discrimination in California [2024 Updated]

In the state of California, employees are protected by law against discrimination in a professional capacity within the workplace. Workers are additionally protected from retaliatory action for speaking out against discrimination in their place of employment. Read on to learn more about discrimination and examples…

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California Wrongful Termination Laws 2024 – All You Need to Know

If you or a family member was recently fired from a job, make sure the termination was completely legal. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to know when a wrongful discharge has occurred. Keep reading below to learn more about California wrongful termination laws and how…

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