Violation of trucking regulations can support car accident claim

Frank S. Clowney III

Many people get nervous when they find themselves surrounded by big rigs on the highway. This is understandable given that these massive vehicles can cause devastation when driven negligently, often resulting in serious or even catastrophic injuries. If you or a loved one have been hurt in one of these accidents, then you might be wondering how you can go about recovering compensation for damages suffered. One tactic is to analyze the evidence to see if there have been any violations of federal trucking regulations.

Hours of Service Regulations

One of the most important trucking regulations pertain to hours of service, which really just means the hours that a trucker can operate his or her rig. Under those regulations, a trucker who is carrying cargo can only operate his vehicle for 11 hours after his last rest period of at least 10 hours. Those 11 hours must come within a 14-hour timespan following that 10-hour break. Also, truckers can only drive for eight hours unless they have had at least a 30-minute break. There are also limitations on the number of hours they can drive in a week, which equates to 60 hours in a seven-day period and 70 hours in an eight-day period.

Using Violations to Support Your Claim

A federal trucking violation, like one that pertains to hours of service, can bolster your personal injury case by showing that a trucker was acting negligent at the time of the accident. But first you’ll have to prove that there was an actual violation. This may mean gathering documentation from law enforcement, the trucker, and the trucker’s employer, as well as preparing witness testimony that supports your claim.

Showing a regulation is just one part of your personal injury claim, though, and it can be challenging in its own right. This is why many truck accident victims choose to acquire the assistance of an attorney who knows how to fight for them.